November Cover: Bishop Vashti McKenzie

November 5, 2018


Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie
Bishop Vashti Murphy

The Selah Leadership Encounters for Women 2018
An Interview with Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie
By Daryn Carl Ramsey

My interview with Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie will be an unforgettable experience. It’s an honor and privilege to spend time with her. Anyone who comes in her presence will have an enlightening encounter personally, professionally and spiritually. Thus, “A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” (Proverbs 18:16 NIV)

Bishop McKenzie has been serving in ministry for nearly 40 years. She is the presiding bishop of the 10th Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and first female elected as bishop in the denomination’s history. She was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the inaugural President’s Advisory Council of the White House Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and invited to preach at the annual White House Easter Prayer Breakfast at the invitation of President Obama.

Bishop McKenzie is the ultimate trailblazer for women. Her appointment to the highest episcopal office inspires confidence in equality for all women in ministry. The appointment and impact of Bishop McKenzie has transformed the mindset of people as it relates to women serving in high leadership church positions. She was named in 2015 by Huffington Post as one of the 50 most powerful women religious leaders in the world.

She soars as the National Chaplain for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. A Best-Selling Author, Bishop McKenzie has authored six books: Not Without a Struggle, Strength in the Struggle: Leadership Development for Women, A Journey to the Well, Swapping Housewives, The Big Deal of Taking Small Steps to Move Closer to God and Those Sisters Can Preach!

Passion and delight fills the voice of Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie during our interview. She rolls out the golden scroll that reveals the plans, purpose, and expectations of this highly anticipated SELAH 18 Leadership Encounter. This distinguished woman of God, with a reputation for brilliance and international influence, exhibits anticipation about this event. Everyone has reason to be exuberant as well.

Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie is the visionary behind the Selah 18 Encounters.

Selah is an ancient Hebrew word meaning “stop here before moving forward.”  

“SELAH 18 is needed because women have been unappreciated, undervalued and their experiences have been discounted, says Bishop McKenzie, “Who do you turn to when you are making six-figures and you are unhappy?” By design it was created to be a safe space at the end of the year for leading women by saying, “let’s all come to the table and do something for each other says, Bishop McKenzie, “the concept works.” SELAH 18 will help women handle conflict, rise on the job, and show them how to pause, reflect, and reach beyond their comfort zones and re-calibrate to elevate their lives and the lives of others.  

SELAH is vital as women of faith desire a place to connect with other women of like-minds to have an authentic talk and real conversations. An event of this magnitude requires absolute organizing. Therefore, the Selah 18 Encounter undergoes strategic planning at the end of the year when most major obligations are over so women can unwind, pamper themselves and partake in moments of reflection. It’s an encounter where different disciplines come together to enjoy some of everything.  Women of influence gather to dialogue and resource together. An unparalled simple way to describe this highly sought-after event for leading women is to say it is “life changing!”

To make an event of this magnitude effective and memorable, everything has been considered and executed.  All details are carefully ironed out as the location is both practical and attractive. Imagine coming to an encounter of this magnitude in an intimate setting. You’ll be in the presence of approximately 300 of the sharpest minds, and the most influential women across the country. This will be incredible, and it is SELAH 18!  Everything is here to make this a five-star encounter. Invest in yourself now and your future will surely thank you. In fact, you will thank yourself!

Make no mistakes about it, SELAH 18 will be a five-star experience. This event will feature an athletic center, swimming, tennis, yoga and a luxury spa to relish. That’s right!  When you leave SELAH 18, you will feel indelibly refreshed, an indescribable renewal, and a recalibration to SLAY the world. Get ready to receive the right equipment to implement in your experience wherever God places you to flourish. SELAH 18 will change the trajectory of your life!

Bishop McKenzie encourages women to come early if you can to take part in the Leaders Who Dare Panel. She explains that this amazing encounter will facilitate the opportunity for women to encourage each other, come together, and be a resource to share with their husbands, children, friends, congregation, and businesses. Women take care of everyone else first and will only put on their oxygen mask before it’s too late says, Bishop McKenzie.” In today’s climate, women have often been vilified and victimized.” “When this happens, who do women turn to?” ask Bishop McKenzie.

“SELAH 18 will help and inspire women to get their head, heart, and soul right and change the course of their lives says, Bishop McKenzie.” The encounter gives assistance to women, so they can find ways to position themselves for elevation in life.

When God says, it’s time for furtherance, they will be ready because SELAH 18 prepares them. Bishop McKenzie also weighs in on today’s technology as being a wonderful advancement, however, women can sometimes get lost in it. SELAH is a high touch opportunity that maximizes the benefits of women connecting as a learning to grow together experience. This is going to be a powerful encounter!

SELAH 18 features expert presenters to include Police Chief Renee Hall, Co-Pastor, Rev. Dr. Mia Wright, Corporate Trainer, Deborah Elum, Iconic Artist Synthia Saint James, Leadership Developer, Tara Jaye Frank, Wealth and Finance Guru, Dr. Dennis Kimbro, Cosmetics Phenom, Dr. Gloria Banks, Grammy Award winner Regina Belle, Award-Winning gospel sensation, Brian Courtney Wilson, Millennial Author Joi Marie McKenzie, Senior Entertainment editor, Essence Magazine and more.

Don’t miss this outstanding Encounter!  Now is the time!

Resort and Club, Las Colinas, 4150 N. Macarthur Blvd. (844) 288-5409

  • Location: Four Seasons Resort in Las Colinas, Texas.
  • Date: Nov 29th – Dec 1st, 2018
  • Agenda: “Dream Big and Go Home: Start Strong, Stay Strong and Get It Done!”

Register today:

Hotel reservation is separate. Secure your room through the Selah block of rooms at the Four Seasons Resort and Club, Las Colinas, Texas, 4150 N. Macarthur Blvd. (844) 288-5409

Daryn RamseyAuthor: 

Daryn Carl Ramsey serves the nation as a Lead Integrated Product Support Manager, of the United States Department of Defense. Daryn Carl Ramsey is an Ordained Deacon with the New Psalmist Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland. Daryn is an author, and owner of Diamond & Light Publishing, LLC. His first book BOLD & CRAZY FAITH is set to be released in early 2019. He is the founder of Ramsey’s Corner, a blog about “all things inspirational.” Daryn Carl Ramsey attended the University of Maryland University College, where he earned his B.S. degree in Management.

To reach Daryn Carl Ramsey: @daryncarlramsey on Instagram and Twitter. On Face Book @daryncarlramsey and @daryncarlramsey1. Also, and For email [email protected] and [email protected]

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